It’s Time To Make Your Back-To-The-Office Plan
While everyone is working remotely, now is the perfect time to start creating your Back-To-The-Office Plan. Social distancing is the new norm and becoming increasingly important when thinking about the design and functionality of your workplace when everyone comes back in to the office.
An excellent way to create more space in your office is to address your storage. Did you know that you can compact your storage space to half its footprint?! With high density storage, you can create more space in your office for your employees to spread out and keep their social distance. Let us show you how!

Lets start with a look at the stationary shelving model. Conventional filing cabinets, lateral cabinets, or open shelving units have fixed aisles located between each row. This is wasted space between each aisle.

Compact high-density shelving and filing systems turn non-productive aisles into productive storage space by eliminating the need for multiple isles. This reduction in “wasted space” often times cuts storage space in half! This directly contributes to “Sustainable Sites” by helping to reduce building size and the development footprint, and preserving open space.

Another option you have is to add more carriages to double the amount of storage capacity in the same footprint. Increase productivity by configuring the system to have one or more moving aisles to balance end-user access activity level.

Lastly, and most importantly right now, by using high density storage, you are able to cut your storage footprint in half and use that extra space for staff to work and spread out. By using the space you have efficiently, you’re able to maximize the available area for your employees to keep them safe.